Thursday 29 October 2015

50 Google Search Tricks to Make You a Power User

I know You use google daily. But Nothing wrong in taking a info dip to find out how many of the Google tricks you know.

Search “fun facts” or “i’m feeling curious” in google and feed your curiosity

Just search i’m feeling curious in google search Box and just keep clicking ask another question button  to unleash an endless spell of trivia from google.

See your Search history , Go to

Only you as a logged in user can see your search data. You can also view, download and Delete Your search data here.

See what People are searching across the world Live here

 Search timer in Google to set alarm or stopwatch

You can also just search Set Timer in Google to directly set the timer over there.

Search Food Vs Food for Comparative Nutritional Analysis


Check if a Website is safe or not before downloading something

Just change with the website you want to check with Google. This comes as a rescue if you desperately need to download a file from a website, but you do not know if it is safe or not.

Google Translate Can Be Your Free Proxy


Just Search Find My Phone In Google To Locate Your Phone Instantly

You can also ring your Phone. Very useful, if you missed the phone inside the house.

Have Fun with Google, search any of the following words in Google

  • do a barrel roll
  • tilt
  • Google in 1998
  • zerg rush
  • Pacman
  • blink html

Search This In Google For Direct Mp3 Links

intitle:index.of?mp3 Your song name here

Get search Results From a Particular website Only, Search Keyword

This is particularly useful if you want the search result from a single website only.

Search for  Keywords within Quotes lets you search for that exact set of words in exact order

exact string search google

Search for keyword 2010..2015 search for results in range of 2010 to 2015

Just separate two set of years with two dots and the results will be in that range. You can also pre append another keyword with this year range to get search results for that keyword on this particular range.

Google around() lets you search for two set of keywords with definite keyword distance

Now, in the search result the first keyword and second keyword will be separated by maximum 3 keywords.

Search this on Google to discover an interesting shape

exp(-((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2/1000) + exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2/1000) + 0.1exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2)+0.1exp(-((x -4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2

Let us summarize this to find what we want in Google


Search Flight Status On Google. Search Flight no. and company directly in Search Box


Convert Currency – Search $1234 in GBP or 1200 dirham to dinar and So On


Search City Forecast to get a weather forecast for that City


Search for Movies Showtime in Your City. Search movies followed by your city


Google is Your New Dictionary. Search Define Followed by the word


Know Origin of any Word. Type Etymology followed by the word


Calculate anything on Google. Just Google the equation directly

Alternatively you can search Calculator on Google to go straight to a calculator.

To track your shipment package just Enter the tracking number directly in the search bar

Search specific Dates in Google. You can also get notified about this


Just Know Your Computer IP. Type IP Address in Google


Search for a Specific File Type in Google. Search Keyword filetype:yourfiletype

This is very handy when you want to do a pdf search. You can use it for other file types also.

Find Pages Linking to a Particular website, Search


Find alternative to a website or page. Type


Dig More Into a website, Search info:website

Here you can get all the information links for a website at one place.

Search for Chemical compounds in Google to get 3D model

Just click on the 3d icon as shown by the arrow and you will get a 360 degrees rotating model for the chemical compound.

Use asterisk as wildcard search. It acts as fill in the blank alternative

Lets think of a situation in which you know few words here and there. Just use asterisk in case of that.This Google search tricks comes handy in a situation in which you just know few words here and there of a search string.

Going for a Wedding ! Plan it on


Search Time Place to get the Local Time


Explore Space through

Search Flights in


Be creative with Legos on BuildwithChrome


Convert Numbers to Words in Google


Find Release Date of Movies in Your Country


Gone out with friends, Calculate Tip on Google


Find News Related to a Particular Location in Google News . Search keyword location:place


Find Webpages whose title contain all the word in the search. Search allintitle: Your Keywords


Search allinurl: Your Keywords for pages with keywords in url


Planning To visit Somewhere. Search things to see in Place in Google


See Graphs on Google. Search Equations in Google


Find Products from a specific Price Range. Search Samsung Phone $100..$150

Just replace $100 and $150 with your price range and dell with the product you want to search.

In a Different Country, Avoid Country specific Redirects on Google. Go to

Sometimes while visiting a country ( Country with a different language ), it becomes very frustrating when you open the google there and redirects you to a google homepage of that country. To make it neutral, just add ncr at the end followed by a slash and hit enter. Now when you will browse google, it will not forcefully redirect you to country specific Google.

In google exclude certain search term from Google with a Minus Sign


Google nGram shows you how many times a word is used in 50 Millions Books across History


Search Pacman in Google to Play it Directly on Google Page

Or Go to Google Images and Search Atari Breakout

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